How to dry out a crawl space?

If you don’t take steps to properly dry out a crawl space, it can be an easy target for mold and other pollutants that could cause health hazards in your home. Properly drying out a crawl space isn’t something most homeowners are familiar with, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. With the right tools and advice from experienced professionals, you can easily manage a successful crawl space drying initiative that will keep your family safe and sound. In this blog post, we will provide tips on how to dry out a crawl space as well as techniques for preventative maintenance to avoid moisture problems before they start. We hope our tips will help give you clarity on the process of drying out crawls spaces so that you can confidently address any potential issues around dampness in your home’s foundation.

What could be the cause of moisture in the crawl space?

Moisture on walls and floors in your crawl space can happen for a variety of reasons, but the most common is when there’s inadequate ventilation in the area. If there isn’t any ventilation or it’s not enough to keep air moving, moisture can build up and start to accumulate. Another issue that could cause moisture buildup are water leaks from plumbing pipes, HVAC systems, or other sources. In addition, inadequate landscaping around the home can lead to water flowing back towards the foundation and consequently into your crawl space.

Repair leaks to prevent water infiltration

If you frequently encounter standing water in your crawl space, it is crucial to identify the source and determine the underlying cause. Various factors can contribute to the presence of substantial amounts of water beneath your living area.

First, please the walls of your crawl space for any signs of cracks or damage. If you find any, it’s important to repair them as soon as possible using a concrete patch or sealant. Additionally, inspect the plumbing pipes and HVAC systems for any potential water leaks. If you do find a leak, be sure to get it repaired quickly so that it doesn’t continue to cause moisture buildup in your crawl space.

It is also advisable to inspect the plumbing lines in your residence, as improper functionality can potentially lead to the accumulation of standing water in your crawl space due to leaks. If you notice any leaks, contact a professional plumber to assist with the repair.

If cold water pipes have not been insulated, they could potentially be the source of humidity in your crawl space. Insulate them with foam insulation and make sure that the insulation is tight enough to avoid moisture buildup.

If you’ve identified water infiltration as the source of your crawl space moisture, it’s important to take steps to repair all leaks. The first step in any leak repair process is to identify the source and inspect for damage. A professional inspection can help determine if a plumbing pipe needs replacing or if any other system components need attention.

See More: How to install dehumidifier in crawl space

How to dry out a crawl space?

Once the source of water infiltration has been identified and remedied, you can start the actual drying out process. It’s best to contact a professional for help with this in order to ensure that your crawl space is properly dried out and install following:

Install Crawl Space Dehumidifier

A crawl space dehumidifier is a must-have for any home with a crawl space. This device helps to reduce humidity levels in the air, ensuring that the area remains dry even during periods of high moisture. A good quality dehumidifier may be expensive, but it will pay off in the long run by saving you from costly repairs due to water damage.

Install a Vented Crawl Space Cover

A vented crawl space cover is essential for preventing rainwater from entering the area and causing further moisture buildup. This type of cover is designed to open and close automatically in response to environmental conditions, allowing air to circulate while keeping out unwanted water.

Increase Crawl Space Ventilation

To ensure that your crawl space remains dry and free of potential pollutants, it’s essential to increase ventilation. This can be accomplished by adding extra vents or increasing the size of existing ones. Additionally, consider installing an exhaust fan to help facilitate air circulation and remove moisture from the area.

By following these steps and taking preventative maintenance measures such as those outlined above, you can easily keep your crawl space safe and dry. Doing so will help protect your home from mold and other pollutants that can cause health hazards for your family.

See More: Where to place dehumidifier in crawl space

Vapor Barriers

Another way to prevent moisture buildup in your crawl space is to install a vapor barrier. A vapor barrier is a layer of impermeable material installed on the walls and floor of the crawlspace that prevents water vapor from entering or exiting the area. Vapor barriers are often made of plastic or heavy-duty vinyl, and they can help reduce humidity levels and protect against potential water damage.


Dry crawl spaces can significantly improve indoor air quality, reducing the likelihood of health risks to residents who live around them. With the tips outlined in this blog post and a bit of patience and hard work, you can easily dry out a wet crawl space without bringing in professional help. It’s worth noting that prevention is as important as treatment when it comes to freeing your home from moisture invasion. As such, regularly check your foundation for condensation or signs of water damage so that you prevent potential problems before they begin. If there are any questions about drying out crawl spaces or preventing future issues, please leave a comment below. We’ll be happy to provide advice and consultation on what proper maintenance looks like for keeping your crawl space dry.


How Long Does It Take for Water in a Crawl Space to Dry Out?

It depends on a variety of factors, including the amount of water present, how well ventilated the space is, and the temperature. Generally speaking, it can take anywhere from several days to weeks for a crawl space to dry out completely.

Will a dehumidifier dry out crawl space?

Yes, a dehumidifier will help dry out a crawl space by removing moisture from the air. When combined with good ventilation and proper insulation, a dehumidifier can be an effective tool in keeping your crawl space dry and healthy.

Should a dehumidifier run constantly?

No, a dehumidifier does not necessarily need to run constantly. You should monitor the relative humidity in your crawl space and adjust the settings on your dehumidifier accordingly. Once the desired level of humidity has been reached, you can turn it off until conditions change.

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